5.1.10. General

This is the standard REST API for external programs that want to interact with Bugzilla. It provides a REST interface to various Bugzilla functions. Basic Information

Data Format

The REST API only supports JSON input, and either JSON or JSONP output. So objects sent and received must be in JSON format.

If you need JSONP output, you must set the Accept: application/javascript HTTP header and add a callback parameter to name your callback.

Parameters may also be passed in as part of the query string for non-GET requests and will override any matching parameters in the request body.

Example request which returns the current version of Bugzilla:

GET /rest/version HTTP/1.1
Host: bugzilla.example.com

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "version" : "4.2.9+"


When an error occurs over REST, an object is returned with the key error set to true.

The error contents look similar to:

  "error": true,
  "message": "Some message here",
  "code": 123

To protect the application from large requests, Bugzilla returns a 302 redirect to the homepage when your query string is too long. The current limit is 10 KB, which can accept roughly 1,000 bug IDs in the id parameter for the /rest/bug method, but it could be smaller or may lead to a 414 URI Too Long HTTP error depending on the server configuration. Split your query into multiple requests if you encounter the issue. Common Data Types

The Bugzilla API uses the following various types of parameters:






A floating-point number.


A string.


A string representing an email address. This value, when returned, may be filtered based on if the user is logged in or not.


A specific date. Example format: YYYY-MM-DD.


A date/time. Timezone should be in UTC unless otherwise noted. Example format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH24:MI:SSZ.


true or false.


A base64-encoded string. This is the only way to transfer binary data via the API.


An array. There may be mixed types in an array. [ and ] are used to represent the beginning and end of arrays.


A mapping of keys to values. Called a “hash”, “dict”, or “map” in some other programming languages. The keys are strings, and the values can be any type. { and } are used to represent the beginning and end of objects.

Parameters that are required will be displayed in bold in the parameters table for each API method. Authentication

Some methods do not require you to log in. An example of this is Get Bug. However, authenticating yourself allows you to see non-public information, for example, a bug that is not publicly visible.

To authenticate yourself, you will need to use API keys:

API Keys

You can specify ‘X-BUGZILLA-API-KEY’ header with the API key as a value to any request, and you will be authenticated as that user if the key is correct and has not been revoked.

You can set up an API key by using the API Keys tab in the Preferences pages.

WARNING: It should be noted that additional authentication methods exist, but they are not recommended for use and are likely to be deprecated in future versions of BMO, due to security concerns. These additional methods include the following:

  • api key via Bugzilla_api_key or simply api_key in query parameters. Useful Parameters

Many calls take common arguments. These are documented below and linked from the individual calls where these parameters are used.

Including Fields

Many calls return an array of objects with various fields in the objects. (For example, Get Bug returns a list of bugs that have fields like id, summary, creation_time, etc.)

These parameters allow you to limit what fields are present in the objects, to improve performance or save some bandwidth.

include_fields: The (case-sensitive) names of fields in the response data. Only the fields specified in the object will be returned, the rest will not be included. Fields should be comma delimited.

Invalid field names are ignored.

Example request to Get User:

GET /rest/user/1?include_fields=id,name

would return something like:

  "users" : [
      "id" : 1,
      "name" : "user@domain.com"

Excluding Fields

exclude_fields: The (case-sensitive) names of fields in the return value. The fields specified will not be included in the returned objects. Fields should be comma delimited.

Invalid field names are ignored.

Specifying fields here overrides include_fields, so if you specify a field in both, it will be excluded, not included.

Example request to Get User:

GET /rest/user/1?exclude_fields=name

would return something like:

  "users" : [
      "id" : 1,
      "real_name" : "John Smith"

Some calls support specifying “subfields”. If a call states that it supports “subfield” restrictions, you can restrict what information is returned within the first field. For example, if you call Get Product with an include_fields of components.name, then only the component name would be returned (and nothing else). You can include the main field, and exclude a subfield.

There are several shortcut identifiers to ask for only certain groups of fields to be returned or excluded:




All possible fields are returned if this is specified in include_fields.


Default fields are returned if include_fields is empty or this is specified. This is useful if you want the default fields in addition to a field that is not normally returned.


Extra fields are not returned by default and need to be manually specified in include_fields either by exact field name, or adding _extra.


Custom fields are normally returned by default unless this is added to exclude_fields. Also you can use it in include_fields if for example you want specific field names plus all custom fields. Custom fields are normally only relevant to bug objects.

This documentation undoubtedly has bugs; if you find some, please file them here.